Saturday, August 14, 2010

Starting up

Hello, and welcome to Crazy Shit My Boyfriend Says. As I'm sure you can tell from the name, this is dedicated to, and inspired by, the weird shit that comes out of my significant other's mouth. Now every once in a while, I'll add things someone else has said, if it amuses me enough, but the lion's share will all come from the same person.

Now I'm sure eventually someone will come up with the hypothesis that my boyfriend is on drugs. He isn't, he's just weird. It's a good quality.

I do plan to open this up for other people to post their own funny stories, but... I'm just starting up, so forgive me? Prettification and posts coming soon. The latter I'll start on now, just to give you a taste. I will admit some of these will be out of context, but... even in context, they don't make a lot of sense.


Me: It's pretty humid... and that's ME saying.
Boyfriend: Yeah, and you're from Florida... where it averaged 400% humidity. =D We call that swimming.

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