Monday, August 23, 2010

Early post today

I've got a lot of things lined up today, so I figured I'd post now so I don't have the 11:30 rush to post before midnight.

Since I've got some time, I'd like to point out the new banner. See? Things are slowly getting better around here. I still need to work on making other people capable of posting though. We're looking into that, I promise.

So anyway, about today's post, this is another bundle one, and I'll explain why. My boyfriend loves to do random projects. I swear he has a MacGyver lobe in his brain, that causes him to do this crazy crap. Have you ever seen the Kludges website on the Cheeseburger Network? Yeah, like that... aaaaaaaaaall the time. So in response to this handyman tendency of winning fail (it almost always works, but it's uuuuuuuuuuugly!) now we have quotes from when he's poked while in the middle of a project. Enjoy~!


Boyfriend: I'm trying to figure out how to get into this thing to rip out its brain.


Boyfriend: You'll have to forgive me, I'm currently trying to disassemble twenty year old technology and rearrange it in different colors. This is vitally important.
Me: To what?
Boyfriend: ... Colors?

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